PETRONAS New Leadership Centre
Status : Completed 2022
Located at Bangi Selangor, the service proposed of work is construction and completion of the PETRONAS new leadership campus (PLC). Total land area Designed to nestle within a heavily landscaped estate, the new Petronas Leadership Centre is a sprawling 14 ha campus located near Bangi, Selangor. The campus is designed to encourage social collaboration and enhance future learning experiences through innovative spaces in support of Petronas’ corporate and work culture.
The design objective was to distil the essence of an experiential journey to encourage maximum interactive encounters among all employees, while retaining the integrity of the Petronas ethos. This translates into a focus that transcends imitation or pastiche. At the same time, there was an impetus to break away from traditional campus planning, to innovate and adapt the design to the locality whilst celebrating the purpose of the organization.
The form of the 45,000 sm campus is a curved central pedestrian spine that becomes a main infrastructure focus and which links all building components. Class rooms and accommodation blocks are thus interweaved closely to create spacial cohesion. Spaces are physically connected via crossing pedestrian bridges adjoining classrooms, guest rooms and public spaces to allow seamless visual interaction and connectedness to all parts of the program.
The cascading building form, responding directly to the project’s physical demands, introduces a new skyline to the existing flat greenfield site. The campus is designed to nestle into nature and embrace a vast manmade lake which offers acoustic and visual buffers.